Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day Dreaming

So today in our work meeting, we had a consultant from employee health come in and talk to us about reducing our stress. She gave us a muscle relaxing technique first, which was nice. It basically involved tensing up muscles in one area and then relaxing them, deeply breathing during the process.

But the best part of the meeting today was the visualization technique for reducing stress.

We learned how to properly day dream in the workplace.

You thought that you could day dream just fine yourself, but there are proper techniques to day dreaming. This is no simple task for ameteurs, no sir! You need proper training before you begin to day dream!

The consultant had us think of some place that we found peaceful. Then, think about all the different things to do with it, such as the sounds, the colors, the smells, etc. It was nice, and did help with stress reduction and relaxation. We were instructed to 'practice' it, spending perhaps 5-10 minutes doing it when we feel stress.

I enjoy a good day dream, but I never thought I would recieve proper training for it at work. Remember kids, if you're going to day dream in the workplace, be sure to get all the proper training and protocols beforehand.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, That is awesome. Who knew my whole life, I was day dreaming completely wrong. Hmm I will definitely have to apply this technique.
